可 used to emphasize a verb
1. 哇,这 个 糖醋 里脊 可 好吃 了!
wā,zhè ɡè tánɡcù lǐjǐ kě hǎochī le!
(The speaker never dreamt that sweet and sour pork could taste this good) Wow! This sweet and sour pork is delicious!
2. 你 可 别 喝 太 多 酒。
nǐ kě bié hē tài duō jiǔ。
(I’m not expecting you to drink a lot)
3. 你 可 来 了!
nǐ kě lái le!
(The speaker never expected it would take so long for you to get here)
4. 话 可 不 能 这 样 说。
huà kě bú nénɡ zhè yànɡ shuō。
(What you said doesn’t accord with my own beliefs)