Our Award winning study method and content will improve your Chinese in a very smart and faster way.
Each of our developed tools will help you to study Chinese in your daily life.
Study your Chinese in the following way:
Search Dictionary ( The best tools to search Chinese characters, Pinyin and English vocabulary. Developed by advanced and efficient algorithm. It is the world fastest dictionary. Each vocabulary contains sound, character stroke sequence and relevant examples)
Vocabulary List (The best way to improve your Chinese vocabulary and memorize it. It contains wide range of topics, lessons, level of vocabluary. All HSK and BCT vocabularies. Simple and organized list of vocabularies will help you to find all in one page very easily. Each vocabulary contains sound, character stroke sequence, pinyin, english meanings.)
Study Pinyin Step1 (It is the best and organized articles to begin your Chinese study. It will help you how Chinese character and pinyin forms reduce your confusing about Chinese pinyin with very short time.)
Pinyin Table ( It is the best tools to find all combination of pinyin in one table. Each pinyin contain all combination of sounds. Help you to get knowledge of all pinyin with very short time.)
Pinyin Table sorted ( It is the best tools to find all combination of pinyin in sorting method so you can find all pinyin by the startig letter. Each pinyin contain all combination of sounds. Help you to get knowledge of all pinyin with very short time.)
Chinese Grammar (Best articles and topics to Study Chinese grammar. Our sequential grammar topics will help you to study all possible chiense grammar and reduce your common mistake when you speak chiense. )
Character and Vocabulary Study (Easy to find a character meaning, words formed by the character. You can look character writing sequence for each character and easy to memorize. Each character also have related examples with native sound.)