到 / 给 / 在


Subject + Verb + 到 / 给 / 在 …


到 (dào) indicates that the action has obtained a goal or a certain state. Any verb that uses the complement 见 can also use 到.
给 (gěi) indicates that you have passed something from one person to another.
在 (zài) indicates a person or thing coming to a certain place. It is usually followed my a location or a place.


1. 请 你 坐 在 我 旁 边儿。

Qǐnɡ nǐ zuò zài wǒ pánɡ biānér。

  Please come and sit next to me.

2. 我 今天早上 发了 一封 电子邮件 给 你。

Wǒ jīntiānzǎoshɑnɡ fāle yìfēnɡ diànzǐyóujiàn ɡěi nǐ。

I sent an e-mail to you this morning.

3. 我 昨天晚上 工作 到 十二点半。

Wǒ zuótiānwǎnshɑnɡ ɡōnɡzuò dào shíèrdiǎnbàn。

  I worked until 12:30 last night.




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