The Chinese precious Jade——Pixiu Jade中国国宝玉石——翡翠貔貅

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Chinese Jade has a very respect status in the world, and Pixiu is a kind of dragon in old Chinese tale. Today, we will talk about a kind of jade in China and also to understand what the meaning the jade Pixiu implied. Pixiu (貔貅píxiū) originally known as Pi Xie (辟邪bìxié) is a Chinese mythical creature. It resembles a winged lion. Pixiu is an earth and sea variation, particularly an influential and auspicious(吉祥的jíxiánɡde) creature for wealth. It is said to have a voracious(贪婪的tānlán de) appetite towards only gold and silver. Therefore traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical power capable of drawing the wealth from all directions. Thus, it is helpful for those who are going through a bad year according to Chinese zodiac.

There are two different types of Pi Xiu, the difference is with their horns. The one with two horns is known as Pi Ya and the one with one horn is calledTian Lu (天禄tiānlù). Pi Ya – wards off evil. It is also believed that Pi Ya have an ability of assisting anyone who is suffering from bad Feng Shui(风水fēnɡshuǐ) that is due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter(太岁tàisuì). Pi Xiu is the ninth offspring of the dragon. Pi Xiu craves for the smell of gold and silver and it likes to bring his master money in his mouth. Statues of this creature are often used to attract wealth in feng shui.

Pixiu jade is a very famous jade in China, many people buy it and put it at home or office for wealth, and many people buy it and wear it on neck for auspicious. Today, many people know that Pixiu could wipe up the bad things, so Pixiu jade is a very hot jade in the jade market.

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