• dòu
    sound for pinyin
    induce; stop over
    Type verb/动词  
    tease,play with,amuse; funny
    Type verb/动词; adjective/形容词  
    tā hěn huì dòu lè
    sound for pinyin
    He's quite good at amusing.

    tā de dòng zuò hěn dòu .
    sound for pinyin
    His actions are very funny.
    dòu liú
    sound for pinyin

    dòu rén
    sound for pinyin
    amusing,funny; make fun of

    dòu xiào
    sound for pinyin
    to tease and make sb. laugh,to amuse and make sb. laugh

    dòu yǐn
    sound for pinyin
    (lit) tease,make fun of

    dòu lè
    sound for pinyin
    amuse,clown around,provoke laughter

    dòu qù
    sound for pinyin
    amuse,set people laughing by funny remarks

    dòu hào
    sound for pinyin

    dòu gén
    sound for pinyin
    the leading role in a cross talk