Exact meaning not found! See the separated meaning.
    sound for pinyin
    die,be dead; fixed,rigid; impassable; irreconcilable; extreme; to the death,desperately; unyieldingly
    Type verb/动词; adjective/形容词; adverb/副词  

    sound for pinyin
    at,in; from; by; indicating the object of an action; (indicating comparison) than, (used after a verb or adjective) with reference to,to
    Type preposition/介词  
  • 饿
    zhàn zhēng de shí hou ,hěn duō rén sǐ yú jī è .
    sound for pinyin
    Many people starved to death during wartime.

    zhì jīn wéi zhí yí yǒu yì bǎi rén sǐ yú liú gǎn
    sound for pinyin
    One hundred people died from the flu up to now.