• yǒu xīn
    sound for pinyin
    to have the intent of (doing something)
    Type verb/动词  
    tā hén yǒu xīn yǎnr
    sound for pinyin
    She is very thoughtful.

    shì shàng wú nán shì ,zhǐ pà yǒu xīn rén
    sound for pinyin
    Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
    pō yǒu xīn dé
    sound for pinyin
    have come to quite a lot of understanding,have gained quite some perception

    gōng fu bú fù yǒu xīn rén
    sound for pinyin
    Hard work will pay off.

    huáng tiān bú fù yǒu xīn rén
    sound for pinyin
    God helps those who help themselves

    tiān xià wú nán shì ,zhǐ pà yǒu xīn rén
    sound for pinyin
    nothing is impossible to a willing mind

    yǒu xīn zāi huā huā bù kāi ,wú xīn chā liú liǔ chéng yīn
    sound for pinyin
    A carefully bedded flower may not blossom,while a casually planted willow may survive.