• shǒu jī
    sound for pinyin
    mobile phone,cellphone
    Type noun/名词  
    mobile phone
    Type noun/名词  
    shǒu jī xù liè hào
    sound for pinyin
    production serial number of a mobile phone

    ní yóu shǒu jī ma
    sound for pinyin
    Do you have a mobile phone?
    shǒu jī bāo
    sound for pinyin
    cellphone pack

    shǒu jī tái
    sound for pinyin
    mobile stand

    shǒu jī bǎn
    sound for pinyin
    (of applications) version for cellphones,version on the cellphone platform

    shǒu jī hào
    sound for pinyin
    mobile phone number

    dá shǒu jī
    sound for pinyin
    to call someone's cell phone number

    gān shǒu jī
    sound for pinyin
    hand dryer

    guān shǒu jī
    sound for pinyin
    to turn off the cellphone

    huàn shǒu jī
    sound for pinyin
    change cellphones