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  • zǒng
    sound for pinyin
    to sum up; overall,general; chief,head; always; after all,sooner or later,anyway
    Type verb/动词; adjective/形容词; adverb/副词  

  • huì
    sound for pinyin
    can,know how to; understand,be good at; be likely to,be sure to
    Type auxillary verb/助动词  
    shēng huó zhōng zǒng huì yù dào yì xiē fán nǎo .
    sound for pinyin
    In life,we always encounter things that we worry about.

    měi guó wēi sī kāng xīn zhōu huā qí shēn nóng yè zǒng huì
    sound for pinyin
    (American) Ginseng Board of Wisconsin
    zǒng kuài jì
    sound for pinyin
    general accountant

    yè zǒng huì
    sound for pinyin
    nightclub,night club,cabaret

    háo huá yè zǒng huì
    sound for pinyin
    luxurious night club