The antique walnut 文玩核桃

Image result for The antique walnut 文玩核桃 

If you love Chinese culture, it is a good choice for you. 


Rotating walnuts in hand is a very old and interesting exercise.

On my way home, I often see an old man who walks in a leisure way with two walnuts in one hand. The two walnuts are constantly rotated in his hand. They are shining and as pretty as well polished handicrafts.

After I lived in Beijing for a while, it slowly came to me that old men in Beijing have many interesting habits and playthings. And each plaything might have a rich and interesting background. Now then, what’s special about rotating walnuts in hand?

The old man told me that to rotate walnuts in hand is a way of exercise descending from ancient times. It is said people began to play walnuts in hand since Han Dynasty(206 B.C-220 A.D). It was popular in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty (618-1279 A.D). In Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911), it was said that “scholars play walnuts, warriors play iron balls, rich people play gourds and idlers walk dog.” This activity has many names, such as “Hand Rotating Walnuts”, “Antique Walnuts” “Walnuts Sports”, and “Hand Therapy Walnuts”.

To rotate walnuts in hand can activate different points in hand, increase the agility of fingers, and accelerate blood circulation. It is an aerobic exercise for the cardiovascular system. This exercise is economic, casual and convenient. Whenever you are free, you can take this exercise. It suits only not old people, but also office-goers. After sitting in front of computer for a whole day, it would be very relaxing for them to rotate walnuts in hand.

There are some tips for you to choose the right walnuts for playing. First, walnuts should be 80-90% ripe. You can feel the weight of them in hand. Second, the texture patterns of walnuts should be clear. The patterns should not be broken. Third, walnuts need to be in a symmetrical shape. It should be able to stand on the table. Last and the most important, the two walnuts should very similar in breed, size, shape, texture pattern and color. It is very difficult to find a perfect match, which is of course very precious.

Some walnuts will have cracks or damages after being played for some time. Some can still keep the original shape after a long time of playing. The color will become even redder and more shining. Walnuts of this kind are very precious, and become collections of walnuts lovers. In Beijing, you can find this kind of antique walnuts in Shilihe, Panjiayuan or Guanyuan antique markets.


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