Chinese culture–The Spring Festival春节

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 After the Revolution of 1911, the traditional Chinese calendar was abolished, and the Gregorian calendar was adopted. January 1st is called Yuandan(New Year), while the first day of the first lunar month is named the spring Festival. Therefore, the Chinese people have got the custom of celebration two New Years. The populace at large tend to celebrate the Spring Festival as New Year with continuous festive clebrations. 


The Spring Festival, has been the most significant and celebrated holiday of the year for the Chinese nationality. It also called “the Chinese New Year”.

The Chinese character nian(year) can be traced back to inscripttions on tortoise shells unearthed in the Yin Remains. The pictograph nian was carved in the shape of a man bent with heavy ears of wheat on his back, which was an indication that nian has been closely related to the harvest ever since the Yinshang Period (1600BC-1046BC). It was recorded in the Guliang Commentary, the 16th year of Duke Xuan that “New Year is the time of harvest, and a good year is a bumper crop.” “Year” is interpreted as “crops are ripe” in Shuowen Jiezi (Explanation and Stady of Principles of Composition of Characters) written in the Han Dynasty (206BC—220AD), which is similar in meaning to “harvest of the year” nowadays. Since the crops are ripe once a year in agricultural societies, New Year approaches at the harvest time.

Which date is set as the beginning of the Chinese New Year? This has to do with the Chinese calendar. The date of the Chinese New Year varied throughout history due to different Chinese calendars. During the period of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty(206BC—220AD), the Taichu Calendar was created, and the beginning of a new year was set on the first day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese calendar. The first day of the first lunar month is regarded as “four beginnings” in both Shiji (Records of the Historian) and Hanshu(Chronicles of the Han Dynasty), that is the beginning of a year, the beginning of a month. It is also called “three dawns”—–the dawn of a year, the dawn of a month, and the dawn of a day. The first day of the first lunar month was kept as “the Chinese New year” in the following 2000 years. The day on which people celebrate New Year was usually called Yuandan (the Chinese New Year) in history. The Spring Festival used to refer to the beginning of Spring, which is different from what it means now.


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