Chinese Ethnic Groups:塔吉克族(Tǎjíkè zú )The Tajik ethnic minority

Image result for Chinese Ethnic Groups:塔吉克族(Tǎjíkè zú )The Tajik ethnic minority 

 Taxkorgan is perched at the highest part of the Pamirs. The world’s second highest peak, Mount Qogir, towers in the south, and in the north stands Mount Muztagata, “the father of ice peaks.” In addition, several dozen perennially snow-capped mountains, 5,000 to 6,000 meters above sea level, dot the 25,000-square-kilometer county. For centuries, the Tajiks have been engaged in animal husbandry and farming by making use of the luxuriant pasturage and abundant water resources. Every spring, they sow highland barley, pea, wheat and other cold-resistant crops. They drive their herds to highland grazing grounds in early summer, return to harvest the crops in autumn and then spend winter at home, leading a semi-nomadic life. 


Population: 33,200

Major area of distribution: Xinjiang

Language: Tajik

Religion: Islam

Standing at China’s west gate in the eastern part of the Pamirs on the “roof of the world” is the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in Xinjiang, a town built up since 1950s. It is the place where the ancient Tajik ethnic group has lived generation after generation. Most of the 26,500 Tajiks live in compact communities in Taxkorgan, and the rest are scattered over areas in southern Xinjiang, including Shache, Zepu, Yecheng and Pishan. The Tajiks in Taxkorgan live alongside Uygurs, Kirgizs, Xibes and Hans.


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