Chinese Pregnancy Taboos

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 Poor parents’ love! Maybe a parent would never know how the infant is pregnant, but they know they should avoid all the taboos to give the infant the best, even when some taboos may be surperstitious. 


Is there any parents don’t love their children? Parents’ love is universal! When comes to kids, every single parent always wanted to give their very best to them, even before pregnancy. This article will provide some Chinese basic tradition, taboos and misconceptions on pregnancy.

1. Don’t visit houses which had been left vacant for a long time. Such premises have not been spiritually “cleansed” therefore might contain unholy entities that affects you and your baby.

2. There is a Chinese belief that pregnant women should avoid scissors, especially anywhere near the marital bed. The worry is that it will somehow affect the baby in utero and that he or she would be born with something missing or incomplete. Anything such as drilling, hammering, chopping, sawing could also lead to abortion or fetal deformities.

3. The emotional state of pregnant women is important. They should stay happy as much as possible. It is believed whatever affects a mother’s mind will also affect the baby. If you cry and stress a lot, then your baby will be always in sour face and cry always.

4. Don’t attend funerals, or if you do wear a red scarf, usually in China, pregnant women are advised to avoid going to funeral related activities (presumably a reverse application of surrounding yourself with positive images.

5. Pregnant women should watch what they eat because it’s believed that if you eats food that’s not properly cut or mashed, her child will have a careless disposition. Light colored food will make your baby fair-skinned. If soya sauce or dark soy sauce make up a large part of your diet, your baby may have darker skin.

6. Don’t touch the bride. Pregnant women are discouraged from attending weddings. Or if they do go, they are not allowed to go near the bride and certainly not to touch her. There is no suggestion behind this superstition that a pregnant woman would bring the bride or groom bad luck.

7. To protect your unborn baby from evil spirits, pregnant women are advice place a knife under their bed. Pregnant women should not cut anything on the bed. sometimes it means cutting your unborn baby’s umbilical cord.

8. Avoid getting a stroller or pushchair before your baby is born. Keep it elsewhere, preferrably away from the house if you happen to purchased one. It’s bad luck to have an empty stroller within the house when you’re pregnant.

9. Other pregnancy taboos about foods that are forbidden for the expectant mother to eat include: Fish: If the pregnant mother eats fish, her child will be born with scales; Dog: Dog meat is believed to be a good food for warming the body, so is eaten in winter and is especially popular in northern China. However, in Heilongjiang, it is taboo for pregnant women to eat dog meat in case their children are born wanting to bite people, which will cause the mother trouble when feeding the baby, it can also cause birth defects, miscarriage and may lead to a difficult labor; Crab: Eating crab will cause a difficult labor in which the baby is born sideways, a belief said to have been recorded as far back as the Song Dynasty. It is also said that the child will drool, with bubbles coming out of its mouth just like a crab; Soft-shelled Turtle: An old superstition that says the child will be born short necked, connected with the way the turtle withdraws its head back into its shell; Plum and pear: Another ancient superstition, that eating these fruit will make the child blind The pear is already a ”cold” foodstuff according to traditional Chinese medicine, so the expecting mother shouldn’t eat it anyway.


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