• ...
    xiàng ... jiāo dài
    sound for pinyin
    confess/explain to...

  • ...
    xiàng ... jiā yā
    sound for pinyin
    to add pressure on...
    xiàng dǎo
    sound for pinyin
    lead the way for others,guide; guide,escort

    xiàng lái
    sound for pinyin
    always,all along,as a rule

    xiàng wǎng
    sound for pinyin
    yearn for,look forward to,be attracted toward

    xiàng qián
    sound for pinyin
    towards the front (same as 往前)

    xiàng hòu
    sound for pinyin
    backward,toward the back

    xiàng běi
    sound for pinyin
    towards the north

    xiàng dōng
    sound for pinyin
    towards the east

    xiàng nán
    sound for pinyin
    toward the south