thousand;a great amount of;a great number of;
Because the number for one thousand is hard to represent by individual characters, people use “人,” which has similar pronunciation, and a “一” on top to express an amount.
千言万语 (qiān yán wàn yǔ):tens of thousands of words
秋千 (qiūqiān) : swing
千克 (qiānkè) : kilogram
千米 (qiānmǐ): kilometer
一千 (yī qiān): one thousand
1. 一句诚实的话胜过千言万语。
Yī jù chéng shí de huà shèngguò qiān yán wàn yǔ
One honest voice can be louder than a crowd of thousands.
2. 这条铁路全长1956千米。
Zhè tiáo tiělù quán cháng 1956 qiānmǐ
The railway is 1,956 kilometers long.