Chinese culture–The Double-Third festival三月三

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The Double-Third Festival is an old festival. It is popular for both the Han people and many other ethnic groups. As for its orgin,one story says that the Double-Third Festival was exactly the ancient Shangsi Festival,which was on the first si day of the third month in the Chinese lunar calendar in ancient times. Some said that it came from the Dinner Party at the Qushui River of the Zhou Dynasty(1046BC-221BC).Others said that it came down from the custom of a ceremony to get rid of the evils by bathing in the river.

On which people would hold a sacrificing ceremony on the riverside to honor their ancerstors, and then take a bath in the river with berbs to get rid of the filth from their bodies. Followed that is attractive-young men and women would go for a spring outing and romance,and its wonderful scene was vividly described in Shi Jing(The Book of Songs).

The activities of the Shangsi Festival have varied with times. The entertainment feast and praying for descendants along the riverside wee added in the Han Dynasty(206BC-220AD).It was after the Wei and Jin dynasties (220AD-420AD)that the Shangsi Festival developed into the Double-Third Festival. The calligrapher Wang Xizhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty(317AD-420AD)recorded in his Preface to the Collectionof Lanting Poems about how those men of pen took a bath to get rid of filth and how they chanted poems while drinking from the drifting cups along the winding river. These well-known stories have become literary river. These well-known stories have become literary anecdotes in history.

Whenever this festival came in the Tang Dynasty(618AD-907AD),the emperpor would feast all his followers beside the river while the people,both men and women,would enjoy drinking,going sight-seeing or cricket-fighting as practiced in the area of the City of Chang’an,along the river. After the Ming and Qing dunasties(1368AD-1911AD),the practice of taking a bath to get rid of filth gradually developed into a spring outing which was featured with lively activities like drifting cups,drifting eggs,drifting dates,throwing-stone,wearing willow-wreath,exploring for spring,hiking,having glutinous rice and antiphonal. As the shangsi Festival is very close in time to the Clear-and-Bright result,many young people today only know something about the Clear-and-Bright Festival but have no idea about the Shangsi Festival.

In some regions there has been a custom of observing the third Lunar Month Festival or the Third Lunar Month Fair,which is always held on the third day of the third lunar month.

In South China,the Double-Third Festival is also a traditional festival among many ethnic minorities like Zhuang,Dong,Bouyei,Shui,Oroqen,Maonan,Yao and She.

On the third day of the third lunar month every year,the Zhuang ethnic group will gather in the open to set up a singing tent and take part in a singing party,where young men and women sing in antiphonal style,bump eggs,throw embroidered balls,and ecpress their love toeach other. There was once a Zhuang girl called Liu Sanjie (Third Sister Liu),who was very good at singing and even defeated three young men with her witty singing,according to the legend. She later went up to Heaven on the back of a carp and became the Singing Goddess. To honor her,people gave another name to the third day of the third lunar month,“the Singing goddess Day”.

The Dong ethnic group calls the Double-Third Festival“Firework-Scrambling festival”,when people compete for firework-scrambling(a round,iron ring,5 cm in diameter with red cloth or silk twined around it),go for bull-fighting or bird fighting,sing in antiphonal style and have caitang dances.

On the day of the Double-Third Festival,the Bouyei ethnic group would busy themselves with celebrating the worship of the mountain and community gods with pigs and steaming glutinous rice,too busy to visit the neighboring villages for several days.


Other ethnic groups like the Miao,Yao and She,usually hold various activities rich in ethnic flavor,which cannot be mentioned one by one,but their featival atmosphere is the same. 



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