Chinese History-Introduction

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The earliest men living in China can be traced back to 1.7 million years ago. After long evolving, the ancient hominid commenced to step into civilization society. Cultivating the main Chinese civilization for thousands of years, the Yellow River and The Yangtze River are seen as Mother Rivers by Chinese people, with the Yellow River also being hailed as “the cradle of Chinese civilization”. 

A Brief Chinese Chronology

Era / Dynasty


The era of the Yuanmou hominid

(scientific name: Homo erectus yuanmouensis)

about 1.7 million years ago

The era of the Lantian hominid

(scientific name: Homo erectus lantianensis)

about 0.8 million years ago

The era of the Peking hominid

(scientific name: Homo erectus pekinensis)

about 0.2-0.7 million years ago

The era of Shandingdong hominid

(scientific name: Upper Cave Man)

about 18,000 years ago

The era of Hemudu Banpo Culture

(Matriarchal Clan Commune)

about 5000-7000 years ago

The era of Dawenkou Culture

(paternal Clan Commune)

about 4000-5000 years ago

The era of Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns

about 4000 ago

Xia Dynasty

2070 BC – 1600 BC

Shang Dynasty

1600 BC – 1046 BC

Western Zhou Dynasty

1046 BC – 771 BC

Eastern Zhou Dynasty (Spring and Autumn Period)

770 BC – 476 BC

Eastern Zhou Dynasty (Warring States Period)

475 BC – 221 BC

Qin Dynasty

221 BC – 207 BC

Western Han Dynasty

206 BC – 24 AD

Eastern Han Dynasty

25 AD – 220 AD

Three Kingdoms Period (Wei, Shu, Wu)

220 AD – 265 AD

Western Jin

265 AD – 316 AD

Eastern Jin

317 AD – 420 AD

The Northern and Southern Dynasties

420 AD – 589 AD

Sui Dynasty

581 AD – 618 AD

Tang Dynasty

618 AD – 907 AD

The Five Dynasties

907 AD – 960 AD

Northern Song Dynasty

960 AD – 1127 AD

Southern Song Dynasty

1127 AD – 1279 AD

Yuan Dynasty

1271 AD – 1368 AD

Ming Dynasty

1368 AD – 1644 AD

Qing Dynasty

1644 AD – 1911 AD

Republic of China

1912 AD – 1949 AD

People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Since 1949


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